The Meridian Scan Analysis can test for more than 65,000 imbalances in your body. Optimize your health by analyzing your body's energetic field through in-person appointments or sample analysis. Let's get down to the ROOT cause of what's going on!
Allergy sensitivities
Chemical toxicity
Metabolic Disturbances
Immune disorders
Female issues
Inherited predispositions
Skin issues
Respiratory Issues
Digestive issues
Nutritional Deficiencies
Joints and muscle ailments
Sleep disorders and so much more!
When we get down the root cause of what's going on, it leaves you with a happy, healthy and balanced body. Each appointment is individualized to every patient, never a one size fits all. Time to start feeling like YOU again. ​
To book your appointment call 780-544-9887.
In-Person Appointments
Initial Appointment up to 75 mins $185
Follow up Appointments up to 45 mins $120
Pediatric (12 & under):
Initial Appointment up to 45 mins $110
Follow up Appointments up to 30 mins $80
Sample Analysis (Surrogate Testing)
Initial Appointment up to 75 mins $195
Follow up Appointments up to 45 mins $130
Pediatric (12 & under):
Initial Appointment up to 45 mins $120
Follow up Appointments up to 30 mins $90
**Prices come into effect January 1, 2025**
Additional Fees
Homeopathic Medicines, Herbs, and/or Nutritional supplements will recommended based on the totality of symptoms and the assessment of your MSA. Depending on the above, there can be a recommendation of 2-4 products total. The cost of these vary and will be are selected with great consideration.
Check with your insurance providers about coverage through your Health Spending Account, Health & Wellness or Personal Spending Account.
Top Questions about Meridian Scan Analysis
What is bioenergetic feedback?
Bioenergetic testing is a computerized machine that measures the energy in the body using acupuncture meridian points readings, providing a highly accurate method for determining the energetic causes of your health problems. The computer measures the degree of electrical resistance of the acupuncture points, generally on the hands and feet. These measurements indicate the balances or imbalances of various organs and/or systems in our bodies and it can indicate any degenerative conditions. It will also indicate any homeopathic or nutritional supplements are needed with the exact amount that will bring about the energy balance.
Do I need to do anything to prepare for my first session?
No heavy fragrances or lotions. There are many patients with sensitivities and we ask for you to not wear strong smelling colognes or perfumes.
No Lotion or hand sanitizer on hands. You will be required to hold the electrodes and such products can create a film on your hands, interfering with proper analysis.
Individuals with pacemakers may not undergo MSA testing by holding the electrodes, but can have their results done via surrogate testing. Please call for further information.
Cell phones, or other electrical devices must be removed from your body or pockets.
Provide a list of all medications, supplements and/or other remedies you are taking.
If you are currently on antibiotics, we ask to wait one week after finishing the antibiotics or before proceeding with an appointment.
If you suddenly become unwell, we ask out of respect, for you to please reschedule your appointment. Phone consultations may be provided as an alternative option.
What can I expect at my first appointment?
Your first appointment will be informative and for most, validating. There are two copper electrodes that you hold during testing processes. You will be asked to place them back on the mat as your results are provided to you at the end of each segment. Evaluation reports will be provided at each appointment and can be printed or sent electronically.
Do you treat patients with severe health problems?
We never turn away a patient based on severity of health and accept all. We have worked with a wide variety of patients over the years with neurological disorders, autoimmune, genetic disorders and more. We collaborate with other professions and/or medical teams to provide the utmost care emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Bonus to patients
Every visit, patients are allowed to bring up to 5 products (supplements, protein shakes, vitamins, etc. ) for a complimentary check to see if they resonate with your body to help on a causal chain, maintenance support or at times indicating disresonance in which we typically recommend holding off until your next appointment.
What happens if you cannot make it to your appointment or you miss your appointment?
We understand that life can be busy or things can happen unexpectedly, which can result in a last minute cancellation due to an emergency or urgent situations. However, should something happen and you need to cancel or reschedule, we just ask that you kindly give us enough notice during regular business hours to respond accordingly. We do have an extensive waiting list at the moment and should we be given enough time, we can fill that space for the next patient waiting in line.
Please note: Calls and emails will be responded to during regular business hours. Should an email or phone call come in after business hours, it will be responded to within one business day. To book an appointment, cancel and/or rescheduling, we ask for you to please call the office or email so we can respond within a timely manner. Text messages of this nature will not be responded too. We ask for you to NOT text the business phone to make or cancel an appointment.
For those who have been given the Practitioners private phone number, we ask to not abuse this privilege by reaching out unnecessarily.
Cancellation Policy & No Show: In person appointments: We ask that you provide us with 48 hours notice of cancellation for any appointments. If cancelling within the 48 hour window of your appointment, you may be subject to 50% fee of schedule service, which must be paid prior to rebooking. If you do not show up to your appointment, you may be subject to the full fee of schedule service is required to be paid prior to rebooking. Repeat Offenders: If consistently cancelling or not showing up for your appointments, after a third time, we will be referring you to another practitioner. If there are no appointments available, you will be placed on a cancellation list. We reserve the right to charge to for any appointments that are missed without notice.
Surrogate Appointments: Should you need to cancel or reschedule your surrogate appointment, we require a notification of at least 5 business days prior to the booked appointment(s). Because these appointments require a mail in of your hair or nail sample, we need adequate time to adjust our schedule accordingly. Unfortunately, anything less does not allow us to help the next patient in line when using a postal service to get their sample to us in time. It is the patients responsibility to mark this date down and if missing the time frame to send it out, then the patient is held responsible for the missed appointment/cancellation fee. ALL samples are to be received no later then the Friday before their appointment as we need time to process prior to calling. With Mondays being our dedicated Surrogate days, we feel these guidelines are appropriate. If cancelling within the above time frame for your appointment, you may be subject to 50% fee of schedule service, which must be paid prior to rebooking. If you do not show up to your appointment, you may be subject to the full fee of schedule service is required to be paid prior to rebooking. Repeat Offenders: If consistently cancelling or not showing up for your appointments, after a third time, we will be referring you to another practitioner. If there are no appointments available, you will be placed on a cancellation list. We reserve the right to charge to for any appointments that are missed without notice.